ForWhen provides new and expecting parents mums dads and guardians with a caring supportive mental health navigation service. It’s a national support line that connects you to the right service that can help you understand what you’re feeling and provide the guidance and support you need at the right time.
ForWhen is designed to support you onto the right pathway so you can access the help you need to better manage mental health challenges as they occur. These challenges can look and feel like this:
Anxiety, fear, or worry about your pregnancy, your baby, or yourself.
Worrying you’re not coping well, or not enjoying your pregnancy or newborn the way you think you should.
Ambivalence, or even negative feelings, about your pregnancy, or your baby.
Isolation and disconnection from friends, family, and the world around you.
Feeling overwhelmed with the responsibility of parenting, and coping strategies aren’t working.
A sense of hopelessness about the future.
Inability to manage your feelings after traumatic birth.